Copyright Pacific Curd Photography
elaine marie ewens
Elaine teaches gentle yet powerful yoga physical classes in Frome, Somerset,
plus Zoom where ever you are.
In addition, she hosts Vedic chanting classes, Vedic Sound Baths & both yoga and chanting
1 to 1 sessions.
Read more about Elaine and her approach.
Yoga is a profound modality -
of ancient origins with a very modern context.
Practised all over the world today, it aims to bring balance to the mind, healing to the body and a greater understanding and happiness within.
Yoga is a rich tradition -
there are multiple tools which can be used on their own or blended into a practice. Yoga can be tailored to suit every individual and their needs at any given moment - enriching your body, mind, and soul.
Yoga is a personal practice -
not one that is done to you but rather a journey that you take yourself on.
You don't need a practitioner to 'do yoga' to you - you are in the driving seat, you experience the power, the joy, the lightness of your journey towards healing, wholeness and balance
"I just wanted to say thank you for running such great classes last term and the theme of transformation couldn’t have been better.
Some weeks I even felt the thread running through the class was for me and me alone, and marvelled at how you could be so spot on!"
SP, Frome
so why dandelions?
simply - I love them..
I thought this wasn't a good enough reason
but sometimes going with your gut reaction is a great way forward.
looking into their properties: bitter,
purifying , sunny, honey scented, strong, tenacious, passionate, grounded, ephemeral, catalytic, haloed, circular, delicate;
all make my heart sing.
so here you have it - a website full of dandelions and a logo invoking their circular seed heads, brightness (yellow circle), healing and 'green' sustainable yoga (green circle).
"there is nothing stronger in this world
than gentleness"
Han Suyin