sound - benefits
sound is a powerful tool of yoga - see below for more.
Summer Term - April 26 - July 12
how & book
learn to chant with others
benefit from the support of others, be guided by experienced Vedic Chanter Elaine Marie Ewens and create a collective sound
continue perfecting your chanting skills as you revisit familiar chants and learn new ones with the support of others and experienced Vedic Chanter
Elaine Marie Ewens
have individual teaching or learn in a small group -
great if you are a beginner or experienced and want to progress with personalised attention
lie back and be bathed in sound
enjoy the benefits of being bathed in sound in a restful environment
it is believed to lead to more stability and enhancement of the emotions,
plus help to focus a distracted mind. When creating sound yourself, it can also improve your breathing, aid your memory and meditation skills.
in yoga, sound is typically delivered either through simple sounds, mantra, Vedic chants and yoga sutras
better health through chanting (and meditation) is now being supported by science: read more
chanting uses the vibratory sounds of Sanskrit words -
believed by yogis to clear blockages in your energy channels and potentially help with overall body health.
Elaine Marie Ewens has been Vedic chanting for over 20 years, teaching for 6 and is a qualified Vedic Chanting Teacher following the study of a 2 year course with internationally renowned Radha Sundararajan.
"we hope you will enjoy this sublime journey through sound"
- T K V Desikachar